Diversity & Inclusion

At Hoagland Longo, we believe that a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is the foundation to long term success. We embrace all aspects of equity and inclusion within our workforce, including race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and military service because nurturing and cultivating diversity of thought, action and background enhance our ability to serve our clients, our employees, and our diverse community. In addition, Hoagland Longo is actively committed to fostering an inclusive environment in which individual strengths and abilities are valued and, above all, fairness, respect and professional development are integral to our recruiting, education, retention and promotion initiatives.

Consistent with our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, Hoagland Longo achieved 2023-2024 Mansfield Certification from Diversity Lab. The Mansfield Rule is the standard by which law firms track and measure their efforts to boost the representation of diverse lawyers in firm leadership positions. 

Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee is comprised of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including partners, associates, and administrators. The Committee advances the firm’s efforts to promote and foster inclusion at all levels and provide equal opportunities for all by:

  • Recruiting and retaining diverse talent
  • Developing initiatives both inside and outside the firm that lead to increased interaction between the workforce and our diverse local community
  • Supporting cultural and ethnic organizations to help underrepresented lawyers of any race and ethnicity grow their careers
  • Implementing cultural programming and education initiatives within the firm
  • Providing mentorship, professional development, and networking opportunities that lead to career success and business growth

In addition to the above, our attorneys consistently support and lead diverse organizations in the legal and business communities in their mission to promote inclusion and create opportunities to succeed for all. These include:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee